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Welcome to Grange Co-op's hub for all things baby chicks! Get ready for your feathered friends with our upcoming baby chick delivery schedule, helping you know when to welcome your new flock. Whether you're a seasoned poultry enthusiast or a first-time chicken keeper, we've got you covered. Dive into our expert article on baby chick care to learn essential tips for raising healthy and happy chicks. And don't forget to stock up on all your necessary poultry supplies! From brooders and heat lamps to chick feed and waterers, Grange Co-op provides everything you need to create a thriving environment for your growing chicks. Start your backyard chicken journey with us and experience the joy of raising your own.

Chick Order Information

DISCLAIMER: All sales are final. Poultry is not guaranteed. All dates are approximate based on USPS shipping. Subject to weather delays and cancellations.​

Order quantities and breed varieties are estimated and may change due to hatchery shortages and cancellations.

Grange Co-op may be able to place a special order, see associate for details.

Poultry orders are first come first served. No holds allowed.

While it is most common for chicks to arrive on Thursdays, the arrival window is Wednesday-Friday. Check with your local store for the best arrival estimates.

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