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Posted by Grange Co-op on 3rd Aug 2022

It isn’t summer without spending some quality time in the water! There’s nothing kids love more than water, whether it’s in the pool, at the beach, or right in their own backyard. You don’t have to spend a lot of money to give them the refreshing fun that they crave. This DIY slip ‘n slide is easy, and it doesn’t require any special talent to get it up and running. If your kids are ready for some summertime fun, let’s get started!How to Make a… Read more

Posted by Grange Co-op on 19th Jul 2022

Flies are more than a nuisance to cattle – they are a cause of disease and lost production for cattle owners. There are several species of biting flies in cattle, including stable flies, horse flies, deer flies, and horn flies. While all these species have the potential to cause disease and infection from their bites, horn flies are the  most economically damaging pest of pastured cattle. Without an effective fly control plan, producers… Read more

Posted by Grange Co-op on 18th Jul 2022

Twin Pear Farm on the Local Social  Twin Pear Farm, located in Jacksonville, Oregon is a growing Nigerian Dwarf goat farm. Recently, Grange Co-op had the opportunity to visit the farm at milking time, go on a tour, and learn about their daily practices. The owner of ‘Twin Pear Farm’, Westi Haughey, explained that the name came from the two old pear trees located together on their property. History shows these twin pear trees are at least… Read more