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Posted by Grange Co-op on 22nd Sep 2021

Lyme Disease in Dogs - How to Prevent Infection Also known as Lyme borreliosis, Lyme disease is a bacterial disease canines are susceptible to. It is transmitted by a certain species of infected ticks that contain a bacterium called Borrelia burgdoferi.  Once this bacterium is within the bloodstream, it can quickly compromise organ health and ultimately make your pet extremely ill. At Grange Co-op, we recognize pets are more than that… Read more
Klamath Falls, OR: Effective July 23rd Grange Co-op has begun raising funds at point-of-sale for fire relief contributions to the Oregon Cattlemen’s Association Livestock Aid. As part of their GrangeGives campaign, Grange Co-op has also pledged to match up to $5,000 in relief funds raised by customers. All Grange Co-op retail stores within Oregon are now offering the opportunity for customers to round up their transactions and donate funds to… Read more

Posted by Grange Co-op on 13th Aug 2021

Getting a pet kitten or cat is an exciting decision! With their playful and fun temperament, felines can make great pets. If you're a new cat parent, you may have questions about care and health practices. Cats are generally easy to care for, often requiring less maintenance than other pets. And, once you learn the fundamental cat health tips, all you have left is to shower them in love and have fun enjoying your new furry friend. Continu… Read more