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Posted by Grange Co-op on 19th Jun 2020

This is Land O’Lakes/Purina Equine Nutritionist, Karen Davison, guest speaking on our @grangecoop Facebook LIVE! Dr. Davison was available for an equine Q&A session directly with our followers. Watch as Karen discusses equine feed do’s and don’ts, nutrition information and more! At Land O’Lakes/Purina, Karen is known for taking science out of the lab and directly to owners, and horses, in a way that makes a real difference. She uses her team’s… Read more

Posted by Grange Co-op on 19th Jun 2020

Gallagher Fencing Sales & Service Representative, Randy Bailey, guest speaks about electric fencing and popular Q&A’s. Discussing topics such as electric fence design, construction and troubleshooting, Randy provides information vital to the success of your electric fence. No matter the scale of the project you’ll be working on, Randy has the knowledge and insight to help you from start to finish and the maintenance in-between.… Read more

Posted by Grange Co-op on 17th Jun 2020

Plants need occasional fertilizer feedings because most soil does not provide the essential nutrients required for optimum growth. Even the best garden soil will eventually be depleted of nutrients as the plants growing in it absorb the nutrients from the soil. Replenishing lost nutrients is the primary reason we recommend fertilizing for the healthiest of plants. Grange Co-op Gardening Expert, Kraig Rucker, discusses fertilizer basics… Read more

Posted by Grange Co-op on 1st Jun 2020

This is Land O’Lakes/Purina Companion Animal Nutritionist, Clay Elliott, guest speaking on our @grangecoop Facebook LIVE post! Dr. Elliott was available for a goat Q&A session directly with our followers. Watch as Clay discusses recommended nutrition and the basics of caring for goats. As a researcher and sheep producer, Clay wears both hats to understand and attack problems affecting sheep and goat raisers. Clay has a Ph.D. in reproductive p… Read more