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Posted by Grange Co-op on 19th Feb 2020

It's fairly easy to raise chickens and bantams if you follow a few simple steps.Chickens and bantams must be kept dry and warm, as they are very fragile when they are young. Keep their litter clean and dry. NEVER brood chicks or bantams on cedar shavings or on slippery surfaces. Pine shavings or rice hulls make good bedding for chicks. You can also raise them on wire mesh.Chicks and bantams require a brooder temperature of approximately 95 degree… Read more

Posted by Grange Co-op on 19th Feb 2020

Cover crop will provide many benefits to prepare soils for the next marketable crop. Some benefits include reducing water runoff, improving soil diversity and adding organic matter – ultimately creating a healthier soil biosphere. Increase the success of your crops with the simple addition of Rogue Cover Crop varieties mid-February through March and again in mid-September through October. Cover crops reduces water runoff from fields, in… Read more
Grange Co-op is proud to announce we have purchased a Freightliner truck/tender trailer and an International spreader/floater. “We understand the importance of supporting our farming communities and those agricultural members who have helped us succeed for over 85 years,” stated Neil Itzen, Grange Co-op CEO. Andy Smith, Grange Co-op Fertilizer & Professional Products Manager, recognizes the need our local farmers have for updated, modernized… Read more

Posted by Grange Co-op on 27th Jan 2020

Grange Co-op’s Rogue Quality Feed has been certified by the Safe Feed/Safe Food Certification Program administered by the American Feed Industry Association. As a Safe Feed/Safe Food-certified facility Grange Co-op demonstrates and ensures continuous improvements in delivering safe, wholesome livestock feed for the growth and care of animals. This is a one-of-a-kind, voluntary program that has resulted in the certification of over 330 feed-… Read more