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Posted by Grange Co-op on 4th Oct 2017

If your dog or cat is an outside only pet, most breeds will develop a very good winter coat of their own. These outdoor pets need to be provided a dry, den-like house where they can get out of the wind and rain. They will need something with a dry floor and soft bedding that they can nestle deeply into for insulation like straw, pine or cedar shavings, or old blankets. A combination of bedding with cedar shavings has the added benefit of re… Read more

Posted by Grange Co-op on 4th Oct 2017

To Horse Blanket or Not to Horse Blanket... that is the question that we get asked every year. When a horse owner is considering whether or not to blanket their horse there are several things to take into consideration. We as humans tend to put our feelings into our horse, therefore if we're cold they must be. So we put on a jacket and we put one on our horse. However, when we are standing out in the rain we know enough to get out o… Read more

Posted by Grange Co-op on 1st Oct 2017

Female:Raspberry-red head, cap, breast, back and rump. Little or no brown streaking on breast and flanks. Brownish wings and tail. Male:Same as female, immature plumage in males is kept one year.NESTING: Female and male build a cup nest of twigs, grasses, rootlets, and moss lined with horsehair, moss and rootlets, placed on a horizontal branch far from the trunk 5-60 ft. high. Female incubates 3-6 eggs which are light green-blue with dark… Read more

Posted by Grange Co-op on 30th Sep 2017

Select Your Type The garlics grown for cooking are found mostly in two species: Allium ophioscordon, the hard-neck types, and Allium sativum, the soft-neck types. The hard-neck garlic bolts in spring to produce a woody flower stalk with bulblets atop. Plant the bulblets and you’ll harvest garlic “scallions” the next spring. Hard-necks are favored by knowledgeable cooks for their deep flavor and ease of peeling. Keeping quality for this grou… Read more