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Posted by Grange Co-op on 18th Jan 2015

Kraig Rucker of Grange Co-op explains how to best plant different type of vegetables in this vidcast episode.…

Posted by Grange Co-op on 13th Jan 2015

Male & Female: Identical small, brown-tinged gray bird with small tuft or crest. The face is plain and the undersides are a lighter gray. Large dark eyes; stubby, bluish gray bill; bluish gray legsNESTING: Nests in natural cavities, abandoned woodpecker holes and birdhouses. Nest is made of grass, moss, fur and feathers. Female incubates 6-8 mostly unmarked white eggs for 14-16 days. young fledge at 6-21 days and are independent at 5 wee… Read more

Posted by Grange Co-op on 7th Jan 2015

Male: A small, gray-backed bird with a black cap and a prominent black eye stripe and white eyebrow and cheek. Sports a rust red breast and belly and a pointed, slightly upturned bill. Female: Similar to male, with a gray cap and more lightly colored underparts.NESTING: The female builds a nest of rootlets, grasses, mosses, and shredded bark in a natural cavity, old woodpecker hole, or birdhouse 5 - 120 feet above the ground. The entrance… Read more

Posted by Grange Co-op on 2nd Jan 2015

Male: Black hood and reddish-brown back, whitish belly, pale bill, dark eyes, tail dark with conspicuous white outer feathers. Female: Same as male with a gray or tan hood rather than blackNesting: Cuplike nest of grasses, moss, pine needles, placed in depression in ground near tall vegetation. Male and female both build. Two broods a year. 3-6 eggs, gray or pale bluish with dark blotches.Feeding: Feeds mostly on ground, eating weed and… Read more