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Posted by Grange Co-op on 17th Sep 2014

If you have citrus trees or plants, you’ve likely been enjoying your own oranges, lemons, limes, grapefruit and kumquats fresh off the branches as they've been growing and thriving in the warm summer temperatures. With fruits packing lots of Vitamin C and adding a tropical look to your garden, citrus can be a great addition to your home. But now that fall and winter are approaching, if you live in cooler winter climates such as… Read more

Posted by Grange Co-op on 31st Aug 2014

While it’s always wise to be water-conscious in the garden, during periods of drought it’s especially important to conserve H2O. And while less water may seem like a kiss of death to your garden, with a few simple water conservation strategies, your garden may actually be healthier and more productive than usual. Essential to water conservation is watering wisely. Timing is everything, and ideally you will want to water early in the… Read more

Posted by Grange Co-op on 4th Apr 2014

Be honest now, I know it is a chore that often gets shifted down low on the priority list, but for the sake of the birds, please keep your feeders and bird baths clean. Because our feeders tend to congregate birds into small feeding areas so that we have the pleasure of watching them, it is our responsibility to keep those feeding stations clean and healthy for them. Dirty feeders spread disease. To clean feeders, remove all the… Read more

Posted by Grange Co-op on 3rd Apr 2014

Soon we should be seeing waves of migrating birds come through our area. Some will stay and nest in our backyards while others will just be passing through to more northerly destinations. This is a perfect time to offer fruit, nectar and insect treats at your feeding stations along with the usual fare. (You may find adding more black oil sunflower seed and less millet at your feeders will be advantageous this time of year.) Hummingbirds, Sw… Read more