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Posted by Grange Co-op on 3rd Apr 2014

Registration is now open for the 1st annual Mountain Bird Festival, hosted by Klamath Bird Observatory in Ashland, Oregon.  May 30th – June 1st are the dates to remember.   The festival will offer guided 1/2 day and full day bird walks and evening keynote presentations celebrating the region’s spectacular mountain birds combined with the stewardship ethic needed to ensure healthy bird populations. Everyone who p… Read more

Posted by Grange Co-op on 3rd Apr 2014

Have you noticed? The signs of spring are everywhere. Not only are flower bulbs coming up and fruit trees are budding out, but the red-tailed hawks are beginning to pair up, Canada geese are on the move, the red-winged blackbirds have returned to my feeders, tree swallows are back in the valley, and I saw a raven flying over carrying nesting materials the other day. It is time to make sure your nest boxes are up and cleaned out and rep… Read more

Posted by Grange Co-op on 3rd Apr 2014

Birds have many fascinating behaviors.  I ran across one while reading the other day called anting.  Anting is a feather cleaning method used by some birds whereby the birds either:  1) crush ants with their bills and wipe the crushed ants through their feathers, this is called active anting or 2) lie down on the ground on or near an anthill, with wings and feathers spread and let the ants crawl all over them, this is called pas… Read more

Posted by Grange Co-op on 1st Apr 2014

1). If the bird is naked (none or few feathers), look in immediate area for a nest to pop it back in to. Birds have a poor sense of smell so it will not be rejected by its parents. 2). If the baby is feathered and in immediate danger (in a road or near a preadator), move it to a higher branch or other cover as close as possible to where you first found it. Confine cats and dogs. A well-feathered baby is probably a fledgling and ready to l… Read more