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Posted by Grange Co-op on 28th Dec 2014

Male: Red on crown, throat and upper breast, (in some regions red can be orange or yellow), broad blurry brown streaking on lower breast, flanks, wings, and back. Female: Uniformly brown-streaked throughout.NESTING: Cup nest of twigs, grasses, leaves and debris, placed in a variety of artificial and natural cavities, such as foundation shrubs, vines, hanging planters and occasionally birdhouses. 4-5 bluish white eggs lightly speckled. 2 br… Read more

Posted by Grange Co-op on 23rd Dec 2014

Spotted Towhee: Sporting a dark hood, back and wings contrasting with bright rufous (red-brown) sides and white belly, multiple white spots on wings and sides, long dark tail with white tip, rich red eyes, dark bill, pinkish legs and long claws. Male: Upper parts and tail are black. Female: Upper parts and tail are dark brownNESTING: Nest is a cup of leaves, strips of bark, grasses and twigs, lined with fine grass and hair placed low in… Read more

Posted by Grange Co-op on 18th Dec 2014

Male & Female: Identical with head, wings, and tail sky blue. Grey-brown patch on back. Chin, breast, and belly are dull white to light gray. Throat is streaked gray and white with a blue necklace border. Thin white eyebrow, long pointed bill, blackish cheeks, long tail.NESTING: Both male and female build a cup nest in a shrub or small conifer. A platform of twigs and some moss supports a grass cup lined with fibers, rootlets, and hair.… Read more

Posted by Grange Co-op on 13th Dec 2014

Male & Female: They have grey backs with numerous white tipped hairs and a white belly.  The backs of their ears turn reddish-brown in winter and they have long bushy tails with bands of grey white and black.  They have very good eyesight even in dim light, and a wide field of vision.  They also have a well developed sense of smell and hearing. They undergo a complete head- to -tail molt in the spring and a head- to- ru… Read more