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Posted by Grange Co-op on 24th Oct 2013

The Bullock’s Orioles are due back anytime now. The first sighting at my house last spring was on May 4th. When I hear a medium-pitched 2-note whistle and a rapid chatter that stands out from the other birds singing in my yard, I start looking around. Both the female and male sing, though they have slightly different endings to their songs. This beautiful yellow-orange and black bird with a bold white wing patch is actually a member of the bla… Read more

Posted by Grange Co-op on 7th Oct 2013

Male:Jet black with a red shoulder patch bordered by yellow. Pointed black bill. Female and Juvenile:Heavily streaked brown bird with a pointed brown bill and white eyebrows. Immature plumage kept for one year. NESTING: Female builds a cup nest of reeds and grasses lined with finer material placed usually in cattails, reeds or other marsh vegetation. 2-3 broods per year of 3-5 eggs that are pale greenish blue with dark markings.… Read more

Posted by Grange Co-op on 6th Oct 2013

Male: Black head; orange-chestnut neck, breast, flanks and rump; yellowish belly; bold irregular shaped white markings on black wing. In flight, shows white patches on wings and yellow “armpits.” Female: Paler upper parts than male; buff to whitish neck and underparts; buff eyebrow; light streaking on buff breast; white wing bars. Immature: Male similar to adult female, but more orange below with no streaking. Female like adult fem… Read more

Posted by Grange Co-op on 4th Oct 2013

SUMMER MALE: Yellow body; black patch on forehead; black wings with white wing bars; black tail with conspicuous white rump. SUMMER FEMALE: Dull olive yellow overall without a black forehead, with brownish-black wings and tail and whitish wing bars. WINTER MALE: Similar to summer female, yellowish brown with yellow wash on face and chin; black wings with white wing bars. WINTER FEMALE: Grayish brown, with little yellow; dark brown wings… Read more