Posted by Grange Co-op on 5th Feb 2023
Our porch and patio spaces become more lively when hummingbirds stop by, sipping from the feeder. There are hundreds of species of hummingbirds that live exclusively in the Americas. Only 15 species live in the U.S., which may be why they are not common in your backyard. Knowing when they will migrate through your state can help you see them more… Read more
Posted by Grange Co-op on 3rd Mar 2015
Male: A stocky, bright yellow and black bird; has a yellow body, darker head with a bright yellow eyebrow; black and white wings. The conical bill is yellow in winter and pale green during summer.
Female: Similar to male, with softer colors, gray head and throat.
Immature: Same as female, but with a brown bill.Nesting:
Female builds a cup nest of lichens, twigs, roots and mosses lined with finer materials, place at the end of a tree bran… Read more
Posted by Grange Co-op on 13th Jan 2015
Male & Female: Identical small, brown-tinged gray bird with small tuft or crest. The face is plain and the undersides are a lighter gray. Large dark eyes; stubby, bluish gray bill; bluish gray legsNESTING:
Nests in natural cavities, abandoned woodpecker holes and birdhouses. Nest is made of grass, moss, fur and feathers. Female incubates 6-8 mostly unmarked white eggs for 14-16 days. young fledge at 6-21 days and are independent at 5 wee… Read more
Posted by Grange Co-op on 2nd Jan 2015
Male: Black hood and reddish-brown back, whitish belly, pale bill, dark eyes, tail dark with conspicuous white outer feathers.
Female: Same as male with a gray or tan hood rather than blackNesting:
Cuplike nest of grasses, moss, pine needles, placed in depression in ground near tall vegetation. Male and female both build. Two broods a year. 3-6 eggs, gray or pale bluish with dark blotches.Feeding:
Feeds mostly on ground, eating weed and… Read more