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Posted by Grange Co-op on 9th Mar 2023

There are lots of reasons to grow a lemon tree indoors. Naturally, many people grow a lemon tree for delicious and versatile fruit. You can use your harvest in all kinds of sweet or savory recipes, to clean with, or as decoration. Another reason that some people find just as powerful is the beautiful, fragrant flowers. They can make your home smell like spring during wintertime! What You Need to Grow a Lem… Read more

Posted by Grange Co-op on 5th Feb 2023

Our porch and patio spaces become more lively when hummingbirds stop by, sipping from the feeder. There are hundreds of species of hummingbirds that live exclusively in the Americas. Only 15 species live in the U.S., which may be why they are not common in your backyard. Knowing when they will migrate through your state can help you see them more… Read more

Posted by Grange Co-op on 28th Dec 2022

Herbs are truly unique in that they taste good while also being good for you. They add flavor to all kinds of recipes and have a long list of health benefits too. How they work is still a mystery, but their anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and anticarcinogenic properties — along with glucose- and cholesterol-lowering activities — have been proven. These are just some of the reasons growing an indoor herb garden is a good idea. Other… Read more

Posted by Grange Co-op on 27th Dec 2022

Colder temperatures are already upon us, but it's never too late to take steps to protect your pipes. The Main Reasons Water Pipes FreezeThere are three primary causes of pipes freezing:The temperature drops suddenly.The pipes aren’t insulated.The inside temperature is set too low.Preparing your home now can help prevent pipes from freezing, saving you time and money in the long run.  Insulating pipes, checking for leaks and invest… Read more