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Posted by Grange Co-op on 14th Sep 2022

Even after your spring planting has come and gone, your annual gardening doesn’t have to end. Some vegetables perform better in the late summer, making them ideal for the second round of summer planting. To get started, you need to decide what to plant, when to use seeds or transfer plants, and how to prepare your soil.Know Your Average First Frost Date Different areas of the country experience cooler temperatures and frost at various times.… Read more

Posted by Grange Co-op on 27th Aug 2022

Looking for an all-natural, non-poisonous way to get rid of pesky mites, earwigs, slugs, ants and bugs from your garden? If you haven’t heard of Diatomaceous Earth, then you definitely should pick up some of this amazing powder the next time you’re at Grange Co-op! Diatomaceous earth is probably one of the most helpful (and safest) substances you can use around your garden, farm, chicken coops, and home areas. Although there are many spectac… Read more

Posted by Grange Co-op on 4th Aug 2022

Fall Tree Planting  Spring is full of color, new growth, and typically a gardener’s most desirable and favorite time of year. However, what many individuals do not realize is fall provides unexpected benefits for tree planting! While it may seem counter intuitive to plant during the fall when most trees are dropping their leaves, this GrangeKnows article explains just why fall is actually the ideal season for tree planting. When a tree i… Read more

Posted by Grange Co-op on 12th Jul 2022

Every homeowner takes pride in having a green, healthy-looking yard. One way to improve your lawn’s appearance is by spreading compost on the soil. But even the most enthusiastic homeowner might not enjoy this aspect of lawn care. Traditionally, the only way to accomplish this task was to shovel compost from a trailer or wheelbarrow onto the lawn or in the garden. The wheelbarrow let them drop a pile of compost every few feet so they could spr… Read more