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Posted by Grange Co-op on 26th Mar 2019

Damage from grubs can be easily misdiagnosed. They are unseen pests creating patchy dead spots of grass that often look similar to drought. This GrangeKnows article will provide you the tips and methods necessary for proper grub control.THE LIFE CYCLE OF LAWN GRUBS The most common lawn grub in the Pacific Northwest is the larvae of the European Crane Fly. These pests prefer to feed on the roots, emerging stems and leaves of grass plants. Adu… Read more

Posted by Grange Co-op on 12th Feb 2019

EARLY SPRING LAWN CARE February in the Pacific Northwest may not show signs of warming temperatures, but if you look closely, you may spot the early growth of crocuses, daffodils, helleborus, or even pansies. The ground is beginning to warm, which means your lawn is beginning to wake up. During this time, your grass will be hungry! It needs feeding in order to strengthen its roots and launch into the growing season. Early spring is the ideal… Read more

Posted by Grange Co-op on 30th Aug 2018

Sometimes lawns become so overtaken with weeds the most efficient and productive method to recover is to re-seed. If you have assessed your lawn and settled on this decision, establishing a new lawn can be a process that can seem overwhelming. However, seeding to establish a healthy lawn is common and simple with the correct tools. This GrangeKnows article will provide you the step-by-step procedure to help you successfully establish a healthy… Read more