Hikari Tropical Algae Wafers Hikari Tropical Algae Wafers were specifically developed for the hard to feed plecostomus and other algae eating bottom feeders. Accept no substitutes, request the first and finest disc shaped diet... $5.49 - $21.99
Hikari Sinking Wafers Sinking Wafers were specifically developed for corydoras catfish, loaches and other bottom feeders after extensive research into their nutritional requirements and eating habits. Keep them active and... $3.99 - $6.99
Hikari Medium Cichlid Staple - 8.8 oz Hikari Cichlid Staple Is An Economical, Daily Maintenance Diet For Cichlids As Well As Other Large Tropical Fish. It Contains All The Necessary Nutrition Your Fish Requires To Live A Health-filled... $8.99
Hikari Frozen Discus - 3.5 oz A Mixture Of Various Ingredients Which Are Intended To Replace Beefheart As The Discus' Main Diet. This Stick Technology Has Become Popular Recently With Other Brands, But The Fact Is Hikari Has Been... $6.99
Hikari Frozen Blood Worms An excellent, higher protein, natural food for most tropical and select marine fishes. This highly flavorful treat is typically accepted by almost any fish it is fed, right out of the package... $5.49 - $18.99