Roses, Flowers, Listed Fruit Trees, Listed Nut Trees, Vegetables, Vine Plants, Ornamentals and Lawns.
When insects, insect damage or fungal disease first appears.
Ants (except Carpenter, Fire, Harvestor and Pharaoh), Aphids, Beetles, Caterpillars, Earwigs, Fruit Flies, Lace Bugs, Leafhoppers, Mealybugs, Mites, Plant Bugs, Psyllids, Rose Slugs, Scales, Silverfish, Spider Mites, Spittlebugs, Thrips, Weevils and Whiteflies.
For control of Fungal Diseases: Thoroughly spray all areas of the plant, especially new shoots. Re-spray every 7 to 10 days or after rain.
For control of insects/mites: Thoroughly spray all areas of the plant, especially new shoots and underside of leaves. Pests need to be contacted by the spray to be controlled.
Hose end sprayer directions: Hook the bottle to a hose and turn on.
Extend the hose to the farthest area to be treated, point sprayer nozzle in direction to be sprayed.
Walk at a steady pace while spraying, using an even sweeping motion and slightly overlap treated areas.
Roses, Flowers, Listed Fruit Trees, Listed Nut Trees, Vegetables, Vine Plants, Ornamentals and Lawns.
When insects, insect damage or fungal disease first appears.
Ants (except Carpenter, Fire, Harvestor and Pharaoh), Aphids, Beetles, Caterpillars, Earwigs, Fruit Flies, Lace Bugs, Leafhoppers, Mealybugs, Mites, Plant Bugs, Psyllids, Rose Slugs, Scales, Silverfish, Spider Mites, Spittlebugs, Thrips, Weevils and Whiteflies.
For control of Fungal Diseases: Thoroughly spray all areas of the plant, especially new shoots. Re-spray every 7 to 10 days or after rain.
For control of insects/mites: Thoroughly spray all areas of the plant, especially new shoots and underside of leaves. Pests need to be contacted by the spray to be controlled.
Hose end sprayer directions: Hook the bottle to a hose and turn on.
Extend the hose to the farthest area to be treated, point sprayer nozzle in direction to be sprayed.
Walk at a steady pace while spraying, using an even sweeping motion and slightly overlap treated areas.