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Growing Your Own Floral Arrangements

Growing Your Own Floral Arrangements

Posted by Grange Co-op on 9th Jul 2024

There’s something special about growing your own flower arrangements. Not only does it allow you to enjoy fresh-cut flowers in your home, but it also connects you with nature and the changing seasons.

Below, we discuss the process of growing flowers in your garden or backyard to create beautiful bouquets.

Why Grow Your Own Floral Arrangements?

A “cut flower” is a bloom grown for the purpose of removing it from the plant to use in flower arrangements. These typically have long stems and large blossoms.

Why grow your flowers? Growing your own flowers gives you control over the flower types and colors and allows for more personalized arrangements.

Store-bought bouquets are expensive, and the cost can quickly add up, especially if you buy them frequently. Growing your own flowers is an affordable option that can save you this cost.

Fresh-cut flowers are also more sustainable, as they eliminate the carbon footprint associated with commercially grown flowers.  

Choosing the Right Flowers

When selecting flowers to grow for bouquets, consider the following categories: focal, filler, foliage, and accent flowers. Each plays an important role in creating a balanced and aesthetically pleasing arrangement.

Focal Flowers

The focal flowers are the centerpiece, the most eye-catching flowers in your arrangement. This part of the design gives the bouquet the “wow” factor. Focal flowers include roses, peonies, sunflowers, and lilies.

Filler Flowers

Filler or volume flowers complement focal flowers by adding volume and texture to your arrangements. Common filler flowers include baby’s breath, statice, yarrow, and ageratum.


Foliage provides the greenery that frames your flowers to add depth and contrast. Popular options are fern, eucalyptus, dusty miller, and hosta.

Accent Flowers

Accent flowers are smaller, often more delicate blooms that add detail to your arrangements. Snapdragons, cosmos, larkspur, and sweet peas are the most common accent flowers.

Planning Your Garden

Plan your garden with a mix of annuals and perennials for a steady supply of flowers throughout the growing season.

Annuals are great for those looking for flowers that bloom quickly. They produce flowers with vibrant colors and can be tricked into extending their bloom period.

Perennials are hardy and reliable, and they last several years after planting. Once mature, they’re easily manageable as they often require less water.

Choose the Right Location

Choosing the right location is important for growing healthy and vibrant flowering plants. Before selecting an area, consider the type of flower you’re planting.

Different flowers need different amounts of light, temperature, and water to thrive. Flowering plants need plenty of sunlight, so choose a location that receives at least six hours of direct sunlight each day.

Preparing the Soil

Good garden soil is essential for the health of your flowers. Before planting your flowers, perform a soil test to check the nutrient and pH levels. Most flowers thrive in slightly acidic to neutral soil (pH 6.0-7.0).

Soil testing gives you a better understanding of how your soil will perform and the amendments needed to improve soil structure and fertility. Consider using perlite or sand for better drainage.


Proper planting and spacing are crucial for growing healthy blooms. Follow the seed packet instructions on the planting depth and spacing when sowing seeds. Generally, flower seeds should be sown at a depth of twice their diameter.

Alternatively, if you’re transplanting seedlings, handle them with care to avoid damaging their roots. Space the seedlings based on their size to ensure adequate airflow and lower disease risk.

Growing Healthy Flowers

Maintaining your garden involves regular care and attention. Here are some practices to keep your flowers healthy and thriving:


Thoroughly soak the soil around your newly planted flowers. Garden flowers generally need 1 to 2 inches of moisture per week to perform well. Water deeply and less frequently than shallowly and more often to encourage deep root growth. Early morning is the best time to water to reduce evaporation and prevent fungal diseases.


Feed your plants a balanced fertilizer every 4-6 weeks during the growing season. A bloom-boosting fertilizer high in phosphorus can encourage more prolific flowering.

Pruning and Deadheading

Pruning helps to remove dead leaves and unhealthy or overcrowded twigs, which can prevent air circulation and cause diseases. Deadheading removes wilted blooms from the plant to encourage new growth and more vibrant blooms. Use clean, sharp shears to avoid damaging the plants.

Pest Management

Monitor your garden regularly for signs of pests and diseases. Common pests include aphids, slugs, and spider mites. To manage these pests, use organic solutions like neem oil and insecticidal soap or introduce beneficial insects such as ladybugs to your garden.

Harvesting Your Flowers

The key to long-lasting floral arrangements is harvesting your flowers at the right time and in the right way. Harvest your flowers early in the morning or late afternoon when temperatures are cooler. This ensures that the flowers are well hydrated to last longer.

The cutting technique is also important. Use clean, sharp scissors or pruners to cut the stems at a 45-degree angle. This increases the surface area for water absorption. Immediately place the cut flowers in a bucket of lukewarm water to prevent wilting.

Creating Your Floral Arrangements

Creating floral arrangements is an art that allows for personal expression. Here are some tips to help you get started:

1. Gather Your Materials

Besides your fresh flowers, you’ll need:

  • Vase: Choose a clean vase suitable for the size and type of your arrangement.
  • Scissors/pruners: Use sharp pruners to cut and trim your flowers.
  • Gloves: Wear gloves to protect your hands from thorns and irritants.

2. Prepare the Flowers

Remove any leaves that will be below the water line to prevent rot. Trim the stems at an angle to increase water uptake.

3. Create a Base

Start with your greenery to create a base structure. This provides support and gives shape to the flower arrangement.

4. Add Focal Flowers

Place your focal flowers in the vase. Ensure you space them evenly and at different heights for a natural look.

5. Incorporate Filler Flowers

Add filler flowers to fill in gaps and add texture. Filler flowers should complement, not overshadow, the focal flowers.

6. Finish with Accent Flowers

Add accent flowers to give the arrangement height and movement. Accent flowers should draw the eye upward and outward.

7. Maintain Your Arrangements

To keep your arrangements fresh for longer:

  • Water and feed: Change the water every two days and add flower food.
  • Trim stems: Re-cut the stems every few days to improve water uptake.
  • Avoid direct sunlight: Keep arrangements out of direct sunlight and away from heat sources.

Transform Your Garden into a Floral Paradise with Grange Co-op

Growing your floral arrangements requires dedication and patience. However, by selecting the right flowers, preparing your garden, and following proper care tips, you’re assured of having beautiful, fresh-cut flowers from your backyard.

Grange Co-op is your one-stop shop for all gardening essentials. We have everything you need, from fertilizers and manures to essential gardening tools like pruners and gloves. Visit our website to explore our product catalog and get knowledgeable advice on creating your dream garden.