The Best Indoor Succulents You Can Grow!
Posted by Grange Co-op on 25th Mar 2022
The Best Indoor Succulents You Can Grow!
If you’re looking for houseplants that are easy to grow and require minimum maintenance, then look no further than indoor succulents. Indoor succulents require very little water and care, so you don’t have to do perform many caretaking tasks. Here is a list of the best indoor succulents you can grow:
- Aloe vera
- Jade Plant
- Echeveria
- Crown of thorns
- Burro’s Tail
- Panda plant
- Zebra Cactus
- Hens-and-Chicks
- Christmas Cactus
- String of Pearls
Indoor succulents are one of the best indoor plant options. They have minimum care and watering requirements. They are easy to grow and provide an aesthetic appeal. There are several different types of succulents ideal for growing indoors.
For the best indoor succulents, visit your local Grange Co-op and we’ll point out some of our favorites:
Aloe Vera
Along with its various medicinal and healing benefits, Aloe Vera is a type of succulent that is extremely easy to grow and maintain. When growing Aloe Vera, its leaves grow on a short stem and form a cluster. The more it grows, the more clusters of leaves it produces. These clusters are known as offsets, and they grow to form a colony that can cover the entire container. You can also divide these clusters, transplanting into different pots.
However, handle the leaves carefully as they have sharp edges that can cut anyone who accidentally brushes past them. The ideal location in homes for Aloe Vera succulents is where there is bright light, such as near a window where there is full sun.
Jade Plant
The Jade plant is a South African native with thick stems and shiny green leaves. The Jade plant is a great choice for indoors and grows up to a foot tall. These succulents require minimum watering and will suffer if overwatered. To avoid overwatering, we suggest allowing the soil to dry completely before subsequent watering.
Jade plants should be kept in an area with bright light. These succulents grow heavy. Make sure you put them in a container that can accommodate them, such as terra-cotta.
Echeveria is a desert native succulent, which grows best in dry conditions. This succulent is available in many colors. Echeveria requires very little watering and should only be watered once it is completely dried out.
For growing echeveria indoors, we recommend using unglazed clay pots and placed in an area with plenty of sunlight, if this is not an option you can always purchase a grow light to help.
Crown of thorns
If you want a more colorful option in indoor succulents, the crown of thorns is a perfect choice! If you ensure this plant receives plenty of sunlight, the succulent will continue blooming throughout the year with yellow-or-red-shaded small flowers.
The Crown of thorns is native to Madagascar. Requiring very low watering requirements and care needs. If placed under direct sunlight, they’ll continue growing and blooming. The leaves are long and shaped like a spoon with spiky branches.
Burro’s Tail
Native to Mexico, Burro's tail , or otherwise known as, the donkey's tail, is a trailing succulent, so it grows best in a hanging basket. This succulent’s stems can grow as tall as 3 feet tall. Burro’s tail isn’t known for blooming, but it sometimes grows red or pink flowers at the end of summer. It requires bright light and dry soil to keep growing.
Panda plant
Panda plant is native to Madagascar with fuzzy green leaves. The leaves of this succulent have soft and silvery hair. The hair is often tipped with rusty colors. Panda plants grow as tall as 2 feet. However, their growth period is very slow.
Panda plants require bright light and dry soil to grow. Make sure you let the soil dry between watering. You also need to be careful not to touch the leaves while watering the soil because it can rot them.
Zebra Cactus
Zebra cactus is an African native. The zebra plant grows on top of the soil with leaves that have bright horizontal white stripes, hence the name. This plant is not only easy to grow and maintain, but it also looks stunning inside a house.
Hens and chick plants are a group of two types of succulents. They are another excellent choice for indoor succulents that are easy to care for. They have flowery flat rosettes with rounded edges that look beautiful. These plants grow best when you let the soil dry between each watering. Overwatering this succulent can cause it to rot. Make sure you place these succulents in bright indirect light.
Christmas Cactus
Christmas cactus has flat and segmented stems that can grow as tall as one foot. The great thing about this plant is that it doesn’t have sharp spines. Its stems grow in a way that makes it like a crab, and that is why they are also known as crab claw cactus.
These succulents prefer more moisture than the others we discussed so far. So, make sure you don’t let the soil dry out completely before watering it. However, they are also not easy to kill. If you forget to water them for some time, they’ll still bounce back to life once you do. Make sure you place these succulents in bright light for maximum growth.
String of Pearls
The string of pearls is another trailing succulent that looks beautiful when grown in hanging baskets. You can also try other types of containers to grow it. Make sure you put these succulents in a location where there is bright light and warmth. These succulents also have low watering needs, but in warm and cold weather, you’ll have to increase the watering frequency.
Last Few Words
It’s difficult to choose just one type when there are so many varieties! No matter which suits your preferences and style the best, don’t wait, visit your local Grange Co-op to get your indoor succulents now or speak with one of our Grange Plant Experts for more information on growing indoor houseplants.